Thursday, June 2, 2011

05-31-2001 - Civil War Reenactment

RBCP accidentally drops Sudo's docs, shoutouts to Hector the Hax0r, Samantha is drunk at us, hi MFR, we try to call a drug sting, listeners should always be in the PLA tinychat during the show, video streaming is about to become illegal, which will kill PLA movie night since we never break any laws, Brad has never heard of, Chimichonga is our new favorite caller, Gregulate has put out a new GregCast, r0xy interviewed RBCP on her show last week, Sudo is eying RBCP's chest hair, Rob The Hyena, Harry from PW sets himself on fire and lives with his mom, never use because it doesn't seem to work at all, just as RBCP speculates that Harry will deny the information we've found, Rob The Hyena listens to their bridge and hears Harry doing just that, click here to read the article on, Rappy McRapperson raps for us, Joe M. turns into a Mexican, there's a new video on PLA's YouTube of Foursquare Harassment, FIVE BIG BONERS!

Click here to listen!

The aftershow is awesome if you can sit through all 3 hours of it. Rob convinces a 7-Eleven employee to do crazy things with Gatorade and Twinkees (1:06), gets a customer to report on the state of the store (2:09), gives an English lesson to another employee (2:16) and Samantha convinces a truck driver to come back for sex (2:31). Other things surely happened, but I can't remember much of it. Click here to listen to the aftershow!

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